Child's Emotional Intelligence Development
For Child's emotional intelligence development, psychologists signify the importance of implanting emotional intelligence in our children from an early age so it would become an authentic habit. So don't think it is too late no matter what age your child is, and no matter what age you are.
Child's emotional intelligence development
What is emotional intelligence?
It can be defined as being the ability to understand oneself and others, and so the ability to manage relationships with others in the community.
From the first moment of birth a relationship is shaped between child and the outside world. That's why a wise physician puts the baby immediately to touch the skin of his mom to feel the warmth after the first shock of birth. When nurses take the baby to give him a bath, they return him immediately to his mother to hug him, and this is not just to feed the baby, but it is a river of love and compassion. So learn to give your child love and don't be only a source of food.
Psychologists confirm that the compassionate interaction includes a silent dialogue between mother and her baby, and it is the only way to develop the area in the brain responsible for memory and learning ability, called the hippocampus.
Don't think that you can't teach your child to be compassionate and emotionally intelligent. I assure you that it is a behavior and an ability that can be planted and developed in your child. 1. Read also: Learning Games for Kids
How do you do it in 6 steps to develop your child emotional intelligence?
1. Spread love:
Be the role model. Spread love, tolerance, and compassion. Be joyful and friendly. You child is hugely affected by your mood.
2. Do not quarrel in front of children
2. Do not quarrel in front of children
Quarreling in front of children is a parental disaster. It is true that no home is void of quarrel, but let this be in a separate room where both the quarrel and reconciliation take place away from your children.
3. Communicate with your child
Get used, you and your partner, to speak about your day. This will make your child paint a picture in his mind of the meaning of sharing and friendship inside the family. Don't ask him directly about his day, if he is in preschool or school age but start, and your partner as well, to talk face-to all. Ask him if he doesn't speak by himself, but without insistence. Ask about his friends, his teachers, and what he likes and dislikes. All of this not only opens the door of love, but also brings you closer to your kid from an early age. So you would be a friend of him/her at the age of adolescence. Do not blame, but only hear. Then in the evening, go advise him in a nice way if there is a need for that. Read also: Top 5 parenting mistakes modern parents do
4. Go out together
Getting out together is not only for entertainment, but it is an opportunity to see the beauty of nature and an opportunity for more closeness, love, communication and raising emotional intelligence. Teach your child to see the beauty in art and nature. Take him to museums and parks. Talk to him about the importance of environment, health and trees, the importance of beauty, love, truth and justice, tolerance and forgiveness. Hear the voice of the birds together that is nature's magnificent music.
5. Teach him to be grateful and count his blessings
A straight relation to develop your kid emotional intelligence is to Learn to talk to him, not directly, but in the age in which understands the meanings of what you say about those blessings that God has given us. Always say thank God for the blessing of sight, and go help the blind. Praise God for the money and forearm the needy. Praise God for health and help vulnerable patients. Make a lot of that, and when he gets older explain the meaning of praise and thanksgiving, and the importance of that to us. Read also: Violence on TV and your child, what should you do?!
6. Appreciate him
Appreciate him for his good deeds: helping a friend, helping the needy, charity. Teach him to share in your voluntarily work. Appreciate him when he helps you, obey you, for his cleanliness or being organized.
Learn to appreciate and validate the feelings of those around you especially your child. Sympathize with him if he is sad or scared, hug him and pat on his back.
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